Advice to My Class of 2022

We finally made it through high school. Honestly, as I sit here watching my cursor blink I wonder what advice I can give because we are all entering a new stage in our lives. But, I’ll do my best to share with you some of the lessons I have learned which may be helpful as you leave Springbrook. 

Firstly, be bold. If you want something, work hard and go after it. I remember being terrified to run for class council our sophomore year. But, after deciding “why not”, I stepped out of my comfort zone, ran and won. Had I not tried, I would have sold myself short of even having the opportunity to win. So, don’t hold yourself back. Be bold and go for what you want because if you put your mind to it, you will succeed. You will not be successful every time, but hard work pays off and eventually you will see the fruits of your labor. 

Next, life is too short to be living someone else’s. So, find what you are passionate about and be willing to make mistakes. Do not be afraid of challenges and do not let obstacles deter you. 

Finally, do not be afraid to challenge the status quo. This does not mean that you should always be a naysayer. Be willing to listen to others and be a team player, but when you witness something wrong, be assertive and stand up for what you believe. 

As graduation approaches, whether you chose to go to college, serve in the military, or start your career I hope that these lessons I have picked up on can be inspirational. As you work your way up to great success, do not forget to offer a helping hand to others. Create a clearer path for those who follow and do your part to be a good example to the next generation. I love you class of ‘22 and I know you will bring amazing things to the world.