The official student news site of Springbrook High School. #thebrooknews

The Blueprint

The official student news site of Springbrook High School. #thebrooknews

The Blueprint

The official student news site of Springbrook High School. #thebrooknews

The Blueprint

The Tale of Halloween

How it all started…

Halloween’s got this crazy history that goes way back, like way before any of us were even a thing. It all started with this ancient Celtic festival called Samhain, like way back in the day, when they believed the spirits of the dead would come back to chill with the living for a bit. Pretty wild, right?

Then, fast forward to when America started getting in on the action. It was the Irish and Scottish who brought all their spooky traditions here, and over time, it just blew up into this massive party. I mean, who doesn’t love dressing up and scoring some sweet candy, am I right?

Trick-or-treating became this huge deal, and carving those jack-o’-lanterns is part of the tradition. And don’t even get me started on all the haunted houses and scary movies we binge-watch every October. It’s like a whole month-long celebration of getting spooked and having a blast with your crew.

But what’s cool is that even with all the modern stuff, there’s still this connection to the old days, you know? Like, telling creepy stories and feeling that rush when you’re out at night, wondering if there really are ghosts and ghouls around the corner.

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So, as we get ready to hit the streets for some epic trick-or-treating or hang out at the wildest Halloween bash, just remember, this holiday’s got this crazy history that’s all about having fun and getting a little scared. And that’s what makes it so rad every single year.

Here’s some Halloween fun at Springbrook

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