How Betsy Devos could affect MCPS students and teachers
Betsy Devos was announced as the U.S. Secretary of Education despite having no experience in public education.
Betsy Devos was announced secretary of education on February 7 with an 51 to 50 vote in the Senate. With Betsy Devos in total control of our U.S. department of education this could affect some of our very own teachers and students here at Springbrook.
According to the National Center for Education Statistic, low income black and Hispanic students rely on public school education and it is only expected to increase. There are many amazing public schools that provide college level and advance classes such as IB and AP classes to their low income students despite all the financial and racial barriers they face.
This could be a threat because Devos and her children have never experienced public school education and want to fund charter and private schools furthermore. We have to keep these schools financially funded so that they can continue to provide the highest level of schooling to ALL students.
Times reported that in the most recent years, teachers have been paying out of pocket for basic school supplies to provide for their students. The Stockpile of pencils, notebooks, pens, markers, are not longer being funded as much by the district but the teachers themselves. CBS news published that teachers spend up to hundred to a thousand dollars on school supplies only. This means that there could be a cut in public school budgets under Devos administration.
Considering everything, students and teachers have to make sure that they hold people like Betsy Devos accountable and responsible for their tremendous decisions that they make for all of our youth’s futures, education, and resources.