The controversy behind the “F-word”: feminism
photo by MCT
Have you ever heard of the word “feminism”? Many people have strong opinions about this topic, including me. I am 100 percent for feminism and I think the people that are against it are the ones that may not understand the true meaning behind the word.
According to Google, the definition of feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.” Feminism allows women to have the same rights and opportunities that men do, so I do not understand how and why anyone could be against this.
Feminism is not saying “I hate men.” It is simply saying “I support men and women and I want to put an end to gender inequalities.”
Part of the reason feminism has become such a sensitive topic is because some think that it is synonymous with “man-hating” but in truth, the purpose of feminism is to spread kindness and equality to both genders.
Men can also benefit from feminism. Some people think a man is less manly if they are not being controlling or aggressive. Another stereotype is that a man is less of a man if they reach out and seek help, especially from a woman. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive or to ask for help when they need it. Both genders should be allowed to feel confident and strong, and feminism supports this idea.
Issues with feminism are all around us and they involve many celebrities too. There have been recent controversies over the nude photos of Kim Kardashian from a photoshoot. Some think that it is inappropriate for a mother to be seen nude. There also is almost always backlash about what certain celebrities wear to award shows. If the dress is too revealing, too form-fitted, or too short, people will have something negative to say. We, as women, should not have the authority to tell other women what they can and cannot wear. Women should dress in whatever they feel confident in and should not be judged.
There is further proof that women tend to suffer prejudice based on how they look and what they wear on Youtube. A “cat-calling” video released about a month ago shows a woman wearing form-fitted jeans and a t-shirt walking around the streets of Manhattan. She was constantly harassed by men who called her “baby” and “momma,” some even going as far as following her. Some might say “well she shouldn’t have dressed like that” or “she was asking for this,” when the truth is that no one asks for this. Women, and anyone for that matter, should be allowed to wear what they want without the fear of being harassed or perceived as promiscuous by others.
The common misconception that feminism is detrimental to men causes people to shy away from calling themselves a feminist. However, the feminist movement aims to help people of all genders. The only way to change the outlook of feminism is to become educated. This is the only way to change the way feminism is seen and to change the spectrum on which it is perceived. It is important to realize that, regardless of gender, inequalities will always exist until action is taken to eliminate stereotypes.