Blast from the past: it is worth the trip

Not interested in the basic films in theatres with the same old storylines? Here are a three of classic films from past decades that will never become old.

If you think that “The Breakfast Club” is about the meal you eat in the morning, then you have not lived on planet Earth long enough. Everyone has at least heard of the movie, but maybe have not seen it. The classic film is relatable to all teenagers because it involves the storyline of the different “cliques” that students experience in high school. But, the film is more than just your typical “let’s all get past our differences and come together”. The characters have real life issues and are easily relatable. Don’t worry, the film is not extremely depressing. It is hilarious at various scenes and there are lines that are classic.

Everyone loves the 90s. The fashion, the huge cellphones, and the bubblegum pop music.  “Clueless” is about a popular rich girl whose life is basically perfect. She begins to play matchmaker and it changes her life. This film is a romantic comedy that would make even “big and strong jocks” laugh.

Spoiler Alert: “Remember the Titans” will make you cry! The film is predominantly about football, but you do not have to to be a sports fan to enjoy it. It is based on a true story of an African American coach named Herman Boone who taught at T.C. Williams High School. The film takes place in Northern Virginia and is set in the time period where there was segregation and racial conflicts. It takes the audience back to a very emotional time period. It’s an emotional film, but also very inspiring and touching.