Only 10 students take Springbrook’s SAT prep class
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) prep classes can be costly and difficult to manage for a busy high school student’s schedule. Transportation for these classes may also be troublesome to plan but there is an easy solution. Springbrook offers its very own SAT prep class during the school day. Not only is it easy to attend, but it is also free. So why does a class such as this only have ten students signed up?
There is no definite answer for this phenomenon but there are many possible factors that contribute to the lack of students taking such a useful class.
The primary reason for the lack of students is that many of them are unable to fit the SAT prep class into their schedule. The class prioritizes spots for seniors for the first semester and allows juniors to join for the second semester, but many seniors have internships and half day schedules while other students need to take certain classes to graduate.
Some also believe that the ACT is the road they should be taking instead. In contrast to the SAT, the ACT also tests science and does not put as much stress on vocabulary and writing.
Another possible factor is the increasing number of students applying to Montgomery College. Students planning on going to Montgomery College are only required to take the Accuplacer test, allowing them to opt out of taking the SAT’s.
“Several students are applying to Montgomery College and so we recommended them to take the Accuplacer. It’s so important that students take the courses that are going to help them. Take the courses that are going to help you be ready for college,” International Baccalaureate counselor Eileen Lisker stated.
The shortage of students enrolled in the SAT prep class could also be because most seniors took the class last year as juniors.
“Only seniors can take the class first semester, and most of us have already taken the the tests. Last year, there were about 25-30 people there. There’s probably a lot more people enrolled in it for next semester,” senior Gelila Haile, who was enrolled in the SAT prep class last year, stated.
Despite the current student count, Haile would still recommend this class to juniors in addition to studying for the test at home.
“The class is pretty helpful so I think juniors should take it to help them on the SAT’s, but I’d tell the juniors not to slack on the self-studying. They need to try too,” Haile added.
When 94 juniors taking Honors English were surveyed to see if they would be interested in taking an SAT Prep class, 72 of them answered “yes”. When the same 94 students were asked if they were aware that Springbrook offered an SAT prep class, only 55 juniors answered “yes”. From the results of the survey, it seems that there could be a significant increase in the amount of students enrolled in the class next year.
However, the small size of the class can also be beneficial.
“It’s very helpful. Every other day we go to the computer lab and do exercises on the computer and we’ll review the answers the next day. I was very surprised when I found out that there’s only ten people but I think it helps a lot because we all get individual help. For me, I’m not good at math so it’s nice to get one-on-one time with Mr. Frank so that I can get the assistance I need,” senior Faith Young, who is currently enrolled in the SAT class, stated.