5 Ways to Stay on Top of College Applications

This piece is for my underclassmen. As a senior, I have already crossed the bridge of college applications along with many of my peers. I’ve also finished a lot of testing, and to be honest, I wish I had taken it more seriously, because the amount of times I have taken the SAT is ridiculous. Underclassmen: please, please, please start on your college duties early. Taking your first SAT your junior year is a great way to get you familiar with the test. When it comes to applying to colleges and doing your brag sheet, DO NOT  PROCRASTINATE! 


I can say I have fallen victim to this and have had a few setbacks my senior year. With all these deadlines being thrown at you, it can be overwhelming at times. There were days where I just wanted to give up, because trust me, trying to do FAFSA with my Ghanian parents was the hardest thing I have ever endured. Throughout your process next year, make sure to manage your time,apply on time, and turn everything in by the due date. This will allow you to have peace of mind. The best way to accomplish this goal is to not procrastinate.Here are my top 5 tips on how to prevent procrastination:


  1. Stay organized. When nothing is in order, you will get lost within your mess.
  2. Get rid of distractions! Do not just sit and watch Netflix or go through Snapchat the whole day. Putting your phone down for a couple of hours can only help you get things done.
  3. Take a break. Your brain needs to rest. Try breathing exercises or listening to music.
  4. Set goals. If you are given an assignment, try to complete part of it by a certain day. Don’t be afraid to set your own deadlines.
  5. Reward yourself. If you reach your goal promise yourself a treat or a day off.